Thursday, December 29, 2011

Greetings of Church of Peace - December 29, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace on this 5th day of Christmas!

This Sunday we have a wonderful opportunity to begin the new year in a holy way.  We’ll be gathering New Year’s Day at 8:45 a.m. for worship.  Come join us as we praise God for the blessings of 2011 and ask God for guidance in 2012. Holy Communion will be celebrated. There will be no Sunday School this week.

We know of two people who are hospitalized: David Borchert in Neenah and Pat Pratt at St. Agnes.  Please remember these folks in your prayers. We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Sharon Miess.  Sharon’s funeral was yesterday. 

The church’s financial books will close on Friday morning at 10:00 so if you have donations that you would like credited to 2011, please make sure your gift arrives at the church office by then. 

A word of thanks: on behalf of the congregation as well as ourselves, we want to express our gratitude to all the people whose dedication made possible our inspirational Advent and Christmas seasons: all of our musicians, the Worship Enhancement Team, dramatists, teachers, candle-lighters, readers, ushers, and staff. A special thank you to Ray Beilke, Art Conklin, and Jeanette Hinn for their leadership of the Christmas Day worship service. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Dear God who has blessed me so richly in the closing year, I turn to you with a grateful heart, thankful for all the love that I have experienced during the days of 2011.  As the year comes to a close, remind me to forgive those who have hurt me in any way, just as you have forgiven me for my transgressions during the year.  Please continue to shine your healing light upon David Borchert and Pat Pratt; bring consolation and peace to the family of Sharon Miess.  I pray these things remembering Jesus.  Amen.   

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - December 15, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!
Tonight we hold one of the loveliest services of the year at Church of Peace – the Service of Remembrance and Hope.  At 7:00 we’ll gather in the beauty of our candlelit sanctuary for prayers, songs, and Scriptures.  The trees are up and decorated; the poinsettias will be in place. Join us for this time of spiritual refreshment.  A social hour will follow.
Sunday is the Advent Sunday of Love. Worship begins at 8:45 a.m.  The Chapel Choir will sing. Then at 10:15 the children of the Sunday School will present their Christmas program which will be followed by a social hour.  (PARENTS: have your child in his/her classroom by 9:50 please.)
At 5:00 Sunday night we will meet for a quick pizza supper, then climb on a bus to go caroling for some of our members.  We’ll return to the church by 7:00.  This is an activity for the whole family.  How heart-warming it will be for all!
David Borchert has been hospitalized at Theda Clark Medical Center.  Please pray for his speedy and complete recovery.
On Saturday the one and only rehearsal for the children’s Christmas program will begin at 9:00.  All children who are in the program need to attend.  The practice will take about an hour and a half.  Following the rehearsal, the middle-school students will be decorating cookies for the next day’s social hour.
Next Tuesday, all members and friends are invited to Golden Fellowship to enjoy pizza and to share Christmas stories from times past. Come to Gammert Hall at 11:00 to join in the fun.
Looking ahead:
Christmas Eve:    4:00 Communion Service/ Special Music by Inge                                               Adelmeyer and Pastor Jim
                                     7:00 Communion Service/Candles for Everyone
                                  11:00 Pew Communion/Candles for Everyone
                                            Chapel Choir Singing
Christmas Day   10:00 a.m. Service of Lessons and Carols
                                            No Sunday School, Breakfast Club, Social Hour
Are you planning to attend the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service?  If so, would your family be willing to light the Advent candles?  Please call Pastor Jenny at 921-8215 if you would be willing to help in this important way.  We will give you the words to say.
That’s the news from Church of Peace. 
We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Eternal Source of birth and new life, help me to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas.  Slow me down and remind me to place my hope in you.  Be my calm center; make me a channel of your peace. Bless David Borchert with your healing power.  Amen.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace on this Thanksgiving Eve Day. 
Join with us as we gather for tonight’s Thanksgiving worship service.  The youth choir will sing, there will be pew communion, and a prayer journey will help guide our thoughts toward God.  Our sanctuary has been specially prepared for this festival of gratitude. It begins at 7:00.

Saturday brings us the joyful and holy occasion of Steve Stepp’s ordination. The Chapel Choir will sing.  Come ask God’s blessing upon Steve and his ministry. It will begin at 1:00 and will be followed by a social hour.

Sunday’s service will usher in the festive season of Advent.  Our sanctuary will be resplendent in blue, a sign of joyful preparation for the arrival of Christ at Christmas.  Little Joseph Peterson will be baptized.  Our littlest Sunday School children will sing.

Gary Babler is a patient at St. Agnes Hospital.  Please include him in your prayers.

There will be no confirmation class tonight but all confirmands are expected to attend the Thanksgiving Eve worship service at 7:00. 

The December Messenger is ready to be picked up in the narthex or elevator lobby or to be read on-line (

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church.  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: In this time of gratitude, O God, I would like to thank you for all the blessings you have provided in my life, but there are so many that I don’t know where to begin.  I pray that you will help me to grow in gratitude every day of my life so each day may be a thanksgiving to you.  Bless Gary Babler and all who are sick with your tender, healing touch. Bless Steve Stepp as he receives the rite of ordination.  And bless our whole church family with meaningful worship and ever-more-faithful hearts.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - November 17, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

What does it mean for our day-to-day lives that Christ reigns over all creation?  We will think about this together on Sunday.  We will also remember and give thanks for those members of our congregation who have died during the past year.  The Chapel Choir will sing. 

On next Wednesday night, Thanksgiving Eve, we will gather to give thanks at 7:00 p.m.  Join us for this lovely and meaningful service which includes Holy Communion served in the pews and a prayer journey.  The Youth Choir will sing!

Tonight’s Mid-Week Faith Boost begins a discussion of Pastor Jim’s novel, Sheboygan County Chronicle.  Even if you haven’t read the first chapter, join us for an energetic conversation. We’ll begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Upper Room.

Remember that on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, you have the honor of participating in Steve Stepp’s ordination.  It will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.

We’ve had a couple of people in the hospital: Harold Kryzyanowski and Del Luttenberger have both been released to their homes.  Milton Scott is now at The Woodlands.  Lorraine Thill is now in hospice care.  Please remember these people when you pray. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church.   Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, I await an awareness of your Spirit with eagerness.  I pray that you will enter my life in a new way today, renewing me so I may live with purpose and enthusiasm and courage.  Bless with your healing love all who are sick, especially Harold Kryzyanowski, Del Luttenberger, Milton Scott, and Lorraine Thill.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - November 9, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!  We hope this finds you dry and warm. 

Sunday is Consecration Sunday.  This means (1) an opportunity to show our gratitude to God for all our many blessings, (2) inspiration from a new voice (Rev. Ann Wahlers joins us in worship leadership), and (3) really good food in a decorated Gammert Hall afterwards. In addition, the Stewardship Ministry Team has prepared a video featuring people from Church of Peace serving God in a variety of ways. This will be shown following worship during the social hour. Join us at 8:45 a.m. for this joyful service and stay for the treats (watch for your picture in the slide show, too).  

Need a visual reminder of summer’s beauty?  Come to Mid Week Faith Boost this evening. We will be viewing a presentation of Jim’s photos from northern Minnesota and from our garden.  It starts at 6:30 p.m. You can also pick up a copy of Sheboygan County Chronicle, Pastor Jim’s novel. We will be discussing it for the next few weeks.

Milton Scott is recovering in the hospital. Please remember him when you pray.

Golden Fellowship meets Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. We’ll have a program on preventing stokes and then share a delicious lunch.  Everyone will be welcomed.

We have an opportunity to participate in an uncommon and holy event on Saturday, November 26th at 1:00 p.m. when Steve Stepp is ordained to the Christian ministry in our sanctuary.  We strongly encourage members of the congregation to take part in this service.  A social hour will follow.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church.  Pastors Jenny and Jim

Prayer for today: As the chilly winter-like winds blow outside today, I pray, O God, that you will accept my gratitude for my warm home and my Spirit-warmed heart.  I ask your blessing upon those who are cold in body, mind, or spirit today.  Bless our congregation as we rededicate ourselves to you on this Consecration Sunday.  Heal Milton Scott with your  gentle power.  I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - November 3, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!


“All aboard the Good Ship CornuCOPia!” The crew of this vessel will be featured in the chancel drama/sermon on Sunday morning.  In addition, we will be graced by an anthem from the Chapel Choir, we will share in the Lord’s Supper, and Ethan Hackbarth will be our witnessing steward. Be with us at 8:45 a.m. this Sunday for this memorable service.

At 10:15 this morning, Church of Peace will be hosting a short communion service for the residents of All About Life.  Mid-Week Faith Boost will meet at 6:30 this evening.

Youth Choir is back in session!  Rehearsals are Sundays at 11:00 a.m.

Milton Scott remains hospitalized.  Please remember him in your prayers.

Thanks to all who participated in the “got generosity?” wall at the church.  Haven’t seen it yet?  It will be up for a couple of weeks.

Looking ahead:

        Wednesday, November 9th: Church of Peace serves Loaves and Fishes
Sunday, November 13th: Consecration Sunday with special “Black and White” social hour to follow.  Got generosity?

Sunday, November 20th: Memorial Sunday.

Saturday, November 26th: Steve Stepp’s Ordination at Church of Peace at 1:00 p.m.

That’s the news from the Good Ship CornuCOPia.

See you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, don’t let me forget you when I get busy today.  Help me to continually listen for your guidance and notice your many blessings. Show me any ways that I can be your hands or voice in the world today.  I ask your continued blessing upon Milton Scott as he recuperates in the hospital.  Thank you, God.  Amen.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Sunday we’ll be gathering for worship at 8:45 a.m. in our beautiful sanctuary for an uplifting service. As we remember the Christian Reformation, we’ll listen for the healing words that God wants for us to hear. Brenda Luebke will share her reflections on what the Church of Peace means in her life.  Don’t miss this opportunity to encounter God and enjoy the company of your church family.

A hearty “thank you” to all who helped with the bazaar.  We had a good crew that made the day go well.  A few items will be on sale Sunday after worship.

We need a few strong people to help Saturday from 8-10 at the church.  We aren’t quite done with the bazaar clean up. There is some furniture to be moved, etc.

Tonight at 6:30, the Mid-Week Faith Boost discussion will focus on just how affectionate and forgiving God is.

There are three people from our church family in the hospital: Sandy Treptow, Milton Scott, and Tom Lechnir.  Please remember them in your prayers.  When you pray, please also remember Marie Michalowski who has entered hospice care

The confirmands and their coaches leave on their retreat on Friday evening at 7:00 and will return to the church Saturday at 4:00 p.m.

The Messenger is on line ( and will be available in the narthex and elevator lobby on Sunday.  If you wish to have your Messenger mailed to you, just call the office.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  O God, you have called me into a relationship with you.  I am humbled and honored.  Please show me what you want me to do for you as the hours of this day go by.  Strengthen by your presence all those who are sick, especially Tom Lechnir, Sandy Treptow, Milton Scott, and Marie Michalowske.  Bless our confirmands and their leaders as they build their faith on the retreat.  I pray these things with a thankful heart.  Amen.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pastoral Letters Concerning the Church of Peace Financial Problems and Building Concerns

Dear People of Church of Peace:

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ who claims us as his own and calls us his friends.

Jenny and I see a strengthening and promising ministry for this congregation in the community where it was planted and took root 141 years ago.  And by the grace of God, through the end of last year, the church was able to return to a balanced budget, maintain and build our ministries, and live within our means.  However, with the beginning of 2011, the Church Council noticed a downturn in our fiscal situation.  Our difficult challenges as a church are reflected in similar challenges playing out around our state, our country, and much of our world. 

While we cannot necessarily solve the world’s problems, we at least need to face our own.  Stated simply for Church of Peace:  How can we best use our combined resources so our ministry can continue and expressions of God’s love may flourish?  

During the last few years, as part of our effort to use the congregation’s resources more wisely, Jenny and I have worked closely with the Church Council and the Building Committee to rein in our excessive energy usage.  And, once our “financial house” seemed to be in order, I started working with the Building Committee to tackle the many repair and maintenance issues that had accumulated over the years.  (Church of Peace has a huge piece of property to care for, you know.)  We began prioritizing the projects according to urgency, immediate impact, and affordability.  Much was accomplished. 

However, as the list of planned and unanticipated repairs and projects continued to grow last spring, it became apparent to us that if nothing significant changed (i.e. related to energy usage and maintenance/repair issues), this “tidal wave” of expenses would soon threaten the ministry and future of Church of Peace.   

Any remedies we decide upon will be expensive.  Yet, our present facilities and their general state of disrepair project a struggling image to the community that inhibits significant numbers of new members from joining us in worship and ministry here.  If we do nothing and simply try to wish the problems away—which would be the easier path to take at this point—I fear we would be condemning Church of Peace to a bleak future of steady decline, as more time and resources were swallowed by mounting property concerns.

So… the question before us, once again, is this:  How can we best use our combined resources so our ministry can continue and expressions of God’s love may flourish?  Rev. James Martin


Dear Friends at Church of Peace,

The Church of Peace is thriving in many ways.  We have vibrant worship, enthusiastic youth ministry, and children active in the life of our church. We care for one another within our church family and we have a highly-praised community ministry program.  Sadly, there is one aspect of our life together that threatens the stability of all of these – it is our financial situation.  This year, our General Fund has suffered; we have already borrowed $10,700 to pay basic daily bills.  Unless our members begin to support the church more generously, our good work in Christ’s name cannot continue to bless us and others.

Then there is the matter of building maintenance and repair. The number one question that I feel we should be asking about our building is “Is this building a net asset as we seek together to serve God faithfully?”

It is pretty easy to see that the sanctuary is an asset.  It is lovely and conducive to worship.  People of all ages feel God’s presence there.  The roof is new.   On a Sunday when worship is well-attended, we have enough room but not too much to spare. Yes, although it needs about $20,000 of repair on the window trims, its wiring is outdated, and it isn’t insulated well, the sanctuary is definitely on the list of assets we can use to serve Christ well.

Determining the value of the flat-roofed additions to our ministry together is more difficult.  Although these parts of our building provide us with plenty of room for all sorts of ministry, they present us with three BIG problems.

First of all, the additions are eating up our General Fund with their high utility costs. Some of the months last winter we spent over $80.00 per day on utilities because much of our building is uninsulated and our windows are, for the most part, old and drafty.  To spend so much money on utilities is an unfaithful use of the funds entrusted to us for ministry.  Christians support the church because of the good deeds that we do and the faith community we sustain; no one puts money in the offering plate in hopes that it will be burned up and blown out the windows. 
A second problem with the flat-roofed additions are that their need for expensive repairs takes an emotional and spiritual toll on the church’s present leadership and on our vision for future ministry.  It is impossible to walk very far in the building before some major problem becomes visible. “These bathrooms don’t work.” “This ceiling tile is brown because the roof leaks.” “It is drafty in here because the windows are not tight.” The run-down state of the building additions and the high price tag of repair saps hope from the staff and leadership. Planning for the future becomes difficult when it is clear that before long, the building costs will completely deplete our savings and take a higher percentage of our General Fund than they do now.  

A third problem with the flat-roofed additions has to do with attracting new members. Jesus said, “Make disciples.” One of our primary responsibilities as the Body of Christ is to invite others to experience the joy we know in serving Christ together.  Our additions do not give the impression of spiritual or financial health. Visitors perceive our building as run down, out of date, and ill-suited to the tasks of ministry. Furthermore, nowadays, young adults want their church building to look friendly and welcoming, not institutional or fortress-like. To neglect the negative affect the building additions have on potential disciples is to disregard Jesus’ commandment. 

Obviously, the answer to what to do about the decaying parts of our building is not an easy answer. But to ignore what is happening will bring about the demise of our congregation. So it is urgent and essential.  May God bless the Church of Peace as we meet this challenge in faithfulness and trust.  Amen.   Pastor Jenny Dawson

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - September 22, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace,

It will be here this Sunday: the mass choir made up of our Sunday School children, confirmation youth, and the Chapel Choir!  Join us at 8:45 a.m. for a service which includes their joyful anthem, a baptism (little Gabriella Albrecht), and some incredibly strengthening Bible passages. Come, let your spirit dance in the River of Life!

Tonight at the Mid-Week Faith Boost, we will discuss the chapter on heaven from Rob Bell’s book.  You are welcome to attend even if you haven’t read the book.

Sunday at 10:15 a.m. we will have a congregational meeting to vote on a proposed change in the constitution (Annual Meeting on the fourth Sunday of January), to vote on the Council’s proposal to allocate 75% of the bazaar profits to the General Fund this year, and to discuss the financial shortfall and repairs needed to our building. Please join us for this important meeting. 

The October Messenger will be posted on line ( by Friday noon and available Sunday morning in the narthex and near the elevator.

That’s the news from Church of Peace. 

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: As the leaves begin shedding their chlorophyll to reveal the brilliant colors beneath, I am reminded to pray that you will peel away anything in my heart that keeps me from shining with your light.  As the bright orange pumpkins begin to show up in gardens and on doorsteps, I pray that you will show me how to bring brightness and a spark of life to people around me. As the season changes from summer to autumn, I pray that I will be given courage to face any changes upcoming in my life.  I pray these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - September 15, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace,

Fair is fair! Or is it?  Our Scripture reading for this Sunday’s reflection is a parable of Jesus which shows us a new way to determine fairness: God’s way.  Join us at 8:45.  The Chapel Choir will make their seasonal debut.  A prayer journey and spirit-touching hymns will grace our service as well.

Sunday School and Breakfast Club will meet at 10:00. 

Tonight, we continue our study of Rob Bell’s book as we gather for Mid-Week Faith Boost at 6:30.  We’ll be discussing Chapter One.

Do you enjoy natural beauty, lovely music, and an occasional chuckle?  Then come to the Golden Fellowship gathering on Tuesday at 11:00.  Pastor Jim has prepared a presentation of the magnificent sights of summer, in particular of the Boundary Waters Area (now on fire in northern Minnesota). Lunch will follow.

The Church Council will be serving Sunday’s Social Hour.

Don’t forget to mark the September 25th congregational meeting on your calendar.  It will begin at 10:15 a.m. Its purpose is to vote on changing the date of the Annual Meeting to January, vote on what percentage of the bazaar profits will go to the General Fund, and to discuss the current financial situation.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church.  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  Light of my soul, I need your strength and wisdom as I face the problems and duties of this day. Grant me a humble spirit which quickly comes to you in times of decision and action.  Show me the way to a meaningful and Christ-like life.  Thank you, God.  Amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - August 18, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Last night we had a new member orientation meeting at our home for the six people who will be joining our congregation on Sunday.  What a nice group of Christian men and women!  Join us at 8:45 a.m. for the worship service which will include some snappy hymns and a strengthening sermon. Following worship, you can greet the new members in the lobby; we’ll have a “welcome” cake for social hour. 

Sunday is the last day to sign up your kids for the day camp at Pilgrim Center.  We have plenty of adult chaperones, but we would welcome more.

Do you like pizza?  Ok then.  Next Wednesday between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. our youth will be serving at Pizza Ranch.  They get to keep all the tips and will make profit on the sales as well.  Last time, our church family filled the place; it was a lot of fun.  If you would rather eat at home, we make money on carry-outs and deliveries also.  Thanks for your help.

Most of you will receive a letter in the mail today (and the rest of you tomorrow) outlining some changes that the Council is making to save money.  We’ve had a tough year financially and we are taking some cost-cutting measures to try to make ends meet.  Please make sure to read the letter so you are familiar with the modifications that are being made.  

Coming up in ten days, at the service a week from this Sunday, we will have guests providing special music.  Jim’s trio will bless us with their songs.  For many folks, this guarantees a meaningful worship experience.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, your love never changes.  Please help me to remember your constancy when it feels like every day I am asked to adapt to another change.  Bless our congregation in this time of financial stress.  Show our leaders how to use faithfully and wisely the gifts we bring for the work of Christ through Church of Peace.  Lead me to be a welcoming, encouraging host when new members and visitors come to my church home.  These things I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.   

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - August 11, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

COME EARLY TO WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY or you’ll miss part of the mission trip slide show.  We’ll be showing it as a prelude beginning around 8:30.  The pictures will help you to see for yourself the great work that was accomplished on behalf of Church of Peace.  The service itself will include youth and adult reflections on how the trip helped them to grow in faith.  The service will help you grow in faith too.  Exciting news: there will be two roses on the altar; our church family is growing!

CALLING ALL KIDS: The Church of Peace Day Camp at Pilgrim Center will be on Thursday, August 25th.  The camp is for children aged 4 through 8th grade; interested parents are welcomed to attend as well. Kids can bring a friend. Registration forms are available at the church.  It will be a fun day of friends, faith, food, swimming, and crafts: a mini-camp!

It is time to proceed with the resealing and striping of our PARKING LOT.  It will look better and be more functional; in addition, doing it now will repair the cracking and deterioration before they become so serious that we have to replace the lot.  We have contracted with a professional team to do the work for $4500 (lowest bid).  Because there is insufficient money in the budget, the Building Committee is doing a fund raiser by “selling” five gallon buckets of sealer for $10.00 each. The project will take place in early September so the fundraising is a matter of some haste.  Please prayerfully consider how many $10.00 buckets of sealer your family can “buy” and check the lobby for signs of progress. Thank you!

Edsel Weigert is in the hospital in Oshkosh.  Please remember him in your prayers. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace. 

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Thank you, O God, for this lovely summer day. During its hours, please open the eyes of my heart so I notice the many ways in which you are reaching out in love to me.  Remind me over and over again how important it is that I treat every person to whom I speak with kindness.  Shine your healing light upon Edsel Weigert and all who are sick.  Bless the mission trippers with wisdom and confidence as they prepare the service for Sunday.  These things I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - August 4, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace,

Today’s weather is perfect – warm, not humid, with a gentle breeze.  Many of us would like every day to be just like this one.  But not every day of our lives will be sunny – we all know storms come not only in the natural world but also in our personal lives.  In the gospel lesson for this week, Jesus walks on water during a storm.  How does this help us handle the storms in our lives?  Come Sunday at 8:45 a.m. and find out!  Nine women of our choir have prepared a lovely anthem which will grace the service and Holy Communion will be celebrated.

Last week, several “bag ladies” joined us in worship.  During the mission moment, they handed out grocery bags to be filled with food and returned for our food pantry.  If you took a bag, please bring it in soon.  If you didn’t get one, any bag full of canned and boxed food will do just fine.  The number of requests for food has been high so the shelves are quite bare.  Thank you for supporting this important ministry of Church of Peace.

Edsel Wiegert is in the hospital in Oshkosh.  Please remember Edsel in your prayers.

Parents:  now is the time to sign up your children (and yourself if you would like to participate) for the Church of Peace Day Camp at Pilgrim Center on Thursday, August 25th.  Call the church office for a sign-up sheet and/or stop in at the desk in the narthex.  Kids can bring a friend.  The cost is $10.00 per family and $5.00 for each friend.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: What a gorgeous day it is today, O God, and my heart sings your praises. I pray that my thanks will be expressed not only in words but also in deeds of compassion.  Show me how to live in hope and to shine with your love.  I pray that you will bless Edsel Wiegert with your healing love.  In Jesus name, Amen. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - July 28, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace,

Breaking News:  A day camp at Pilgrim Center Camp for all Church of Peace Sunday School children has been scheduled for Thursday, August 25th.  Children aged 4 years old - 8th grade are invited to board the bus at our church, then spend the day swimming, crafting, playing, learning, and eating at our Pilgrim Center camp. We’ll return home, tired and happy, after supper. Parents, watch your mailbox for more information. 

The feeding of the 5,000 is the Scripture story for Sunday, a story which has a particularly heartening message for people in tough economic times.  Little Masen Holmes will be baptized.  Annie Hackbarth will provide special music. 

Esther Hassman is a patient at St. Agnes Hospital.  Please remember Esther when you pray.

Our Church of Peace softball team plays its final pre-tournament game on Monday night at Woodworth (north field) at 7:00 p.m.  Come cheer for our team.  Bring a lawn chair. 

The Messenger for August will be mailed early next week. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church.   Pastors Jim and Jenny

A prayer for today:  Don’t let the challenges of today overwhelm me, O God.  Open my life to receive your gifts of wisdom and peace. Remind me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you.  I pray that Esther Hassman will be blessed by your healing power.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - July 21, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Jim and I are back from a renewing and fun vacation.  Thanks to Revs. Kandler and Schrankler for their help while we were gone.  We thank God for the gift of time away to be refreshed in body, mind, and spirit; we hope all of you take some time to enjoy the beauty of the creation and the company of loved ones.

This Sunday’s Scripture lesson is a collection of parables.  We’ll look for the humor and the lessons in these stories Jesus told.  Pastor Jim will provide special music.  Come worship in our air-conditioned sanctuary with your church family (8:45 a.m.); you’ll be glad you did.

Tuesday night the Church Council gathered for our July meeting.  Enthusiastic reports were given by members who participated in the mission trip. Not so good news came in the congregation’s financial report.  Thus far this year our general fund has spent $11,500 more than we’ve received in offerings.  The Council is prayerfully considering how to limit expenses.  At the same time, we remind members to support Christ’s work at Church of Peace through generous and consistent giving. 

Last night, the Children’s Ministry Task Force met to continue their planning for next year’s Sunday School.  It is going to be a great year for our little disciples and their teachers.  Parents, look for more details soon. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  What a beautiful day your love has created, O God, and I thank you for it.  When I see the sunshine, I remember that my life should shine with your love.  When I see the breeze gently rustling through the branches of the trees, I am reminded of the way that your energizing power moves through my life when I need strength or wisdom.  God, I ask your blessing and guidance for our church family as we address difficult financial issues.  You have commissioned us to be your people, to praise you as we serve one another and the community. Give each of us a generous heart; guide us as individuals and as a congregation to wise use of our resources. These things I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - June 16, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Are you a church member or a disciple or both? Our Gospel lessons for Sunday’s worship service focus on this question.  Join us at 8:45 a.m. as we sing, pray, and learn together.  We’ll be offering a special prayer in honor of fathers as well. 
By the time most of you arrive for worship on Sunday, the mission trip trailers will be packed and ready to depart. During the service, we will bless the thirty-two people who will represent us as they dedicate the next week of their lives to helping people in the name of Christ. Then, after worship, we’ll send them on their way.

Mission trippers, watch your email box for final instructions and information. 

Congratulations to our Church of Peace softball team for their decisive victory last Monday.  Their next game is at 7:00 p.m. at Evans School this coming Monday.  Fans are always welcomed!

Next week, Pastor Jenny will be on the mission trip. Pastor Jim will remain here to “tend our flock.”  There will be no Bible study on Tuesday, but Shawl Ministry will meet at usual on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace. 

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: God,  you have called me to be your disciple and to do your work here on earth.  I come asking for your help so that I can be faithful to the tasks you set before me.  Fill my life with hope as I seek to be an agent of your compassionate love. As they make final preparations for their trip, I ask your blessing upon the mission trip team. May they feel your supportive presence and the safety of your strong arms as they travel, work, worship, and play together.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.