Thursday, April 28, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - April 28, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Happy Eastertide to you!  We continue our celebration of the resurrection of Christ on Sunday with another joyful service.  This Sunday our confirmands will reflect with us on some of the Biblical friends of Jesus. The Chapel Choir will sing.  Because Holy Communion was celebrated during three services last week, it will not be a part of this Sunday’s worship service.  The service will begin at 8:45 a.m.

The Women Retreaters will meet at the church tomorrow evening at 6:00. We look forward to a renewing time together at Pilgrim Center.

The Ladies Aid rummage sale will be held all day Tuesday and on Wednesday morning of this coming week.  We can use your no-longer-needed stuff and your baked goods (our most prolific baker is on the sick list). Set-up help on Sunday after worship and on Monday would be deeply appreciated.  Thank you to the Ladies Aid for this worthwhile project which helps our neighbors, promotes re-using, and raises money for Church of Peace ministries. 

Long-time member George Weber is near the end of his earthly journey, residing now at Hospice Home of Hope.  Please remember George and his family in your prayers.

There will be no Mid-Week Faith Boost tonight.  A week from tonight a new series will begin which features archeology in the Holy Land, teaching us about the origin of the Bible and about life in Bible times.  Plan to be a part of this study series on Thursday evenings in May.

If you have signed up for the Chicago trip and haven’t yet paid, please get the $27.00 to Jackie soon.  Thank you.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: My heart is still singing Easter praises to you, O God.  What power and love you have demonstrated in the resurrection of Christ!  I see that same power at work in my life and I thank you.  I would be honored to be an instrument of your love in the lives of others; show me how.  I ask your blessings of comfort and peace upon George Weber and his family during this difficult time.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace on Maundy Thursday - April 21, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace on this Maundy Thursday,

Tonight we gather to remember the evening that Jesus instituted the sacrament we call “The Lord’s Supper.”  Our service will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Holy Communion will be served in the pews.  A meditation and the Words of Institution will be presented with haunting music and art on the screen.  The Chapel Choir will sing.  There will be a children’s sermon.  Join us as we participate in Jesus’ last meal and then hear again the story of his heart-wrenching prayer in Gethsemane.

Tomorrow night (Friday) we will commemorate the trial, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus.  Through the extinguishing of candles, the reading of Scripture, reflections by some of the participants in the Biblical story, and significant symbols, we will journey with Jesus through this terrible time.  Pastor Jim will sing two solos. The service will begin at 7:00. There will be no sermon or children’s sermon; the Biblical witness will bring the story to life for us.  Be prepared to leave the sanctuary in silence with a heavy but hopeful heart.  

Sunday is Easter!  Our two services (7:00 a.m. and 8:45 a.m.) will celebrate the glorious story of Christ’s resurrection. The flowers in the sanctuary will testify to new life.  Altar communion will be served.  The Chapel Choir will sing at the first service and will be joined by the Youth Choir and Sunday School children at the second service.  We will be blessed with instrumental accompaniment by two of our youth.   There will be no Christian Education classes on Easter.

After each Easter service, the youth will serve an enhanced Easter Social Hour; funds raised will go toward the mission trip this summer.

If you donated flowers for the Easter service, you make take them home after the second service.  All flowers are labeled this year to prevent the mix-ups of past years, so please make sure you are taking the flowers with your name on them.   Thank you for sharing this beauty with us all.

We know of two people who have been hospitalized for surgery this week: Tom Langenhorst and Theresa Schultz.  Please remember to thank God for the healing they have experienced.

There is still time to sign up for the Golden Fellowship Lunch and Tour on this coming Tuesday, the Women’s Retreat on Friday night, Co-ed Summer Softball, and the Chicago Architectural Tour.  All sign-up sheets are on the lobby bulletin board.  There is also a place there to sign-up for the Mother-Daughter Banquet. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, I am aware that today, tomorrow, Saturday, and Easter, you will be offering me innumerable opportunities to grow in faithfulness to you.  You have invited me to remember the last days of Jesus’ life and to celebrate Christ’s resurrection.  Open my heart to the growth you offer me.  When Easter breaks forth in happy song, may my spirit be singing with joy and my heart be full of hope. Thank you for the joy and hope that your healing power have brought to all who are sick, especially Tom Langenhorst and Theresa Schultz.  Amen. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - April 13, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Tonight is the last of our Lenten services for the year. The theme tonight is Christian parenting.  Join us (7:00 p.m.) as we see what the Bible has to say about this very important subject, light the Lenten candles, and enjoy the Family Circus’ heart-warming antics.  If you’d like to come a little early and help the Church of Peace team clean up after serving Loaves and Fishes, they’d be delighted to have your assistance.

Sunday is Palm Sunday.  We cannot wait for you to see the enhancements that our worship team has prepared for this distinctive day in the church year.  It will be festive and beautiful. The Chancel Choir will sing.  Every worshipper will be able to take home a palm.

This Saturday morning, our church building will be a hub of activity.  In addition to the Worship Enhancement Team transforming the sanctuary for Palm Sunday, the Shawl Ministers will be meeting along side a group of crafters who are preparing items for the fall bazaar.  All of these groups are friendly; if you think God might want you to use your talents in one of these ways, please come.  We’ll start at 8:30 a.m.

PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN AND CONFIRMANDS: we are counting on your children to sing at the second service on Easter (8:45 a.m.) with the Chapel Choir.   All the kids will rehearse with the choir this Sunday (Palm Sunday) at the beginning of the regular Sunday School hour, so please bring your child to the sanctuary right away at 10:00.  What a meaningful way for our little ones to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!  Thank you for your cooperation.

In the church lobby, you can sign up for:

            Co-ed Summer Church-League Softball (Mondays/over age 16)
            April Day Trip for Adult Fellowship
            May Tour of Chicago Architecture
            Women’s Retreat
            Mother-Daughter Banquet

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  On this warm spring day, it is easy to sense your renewing power, O God.  Please touch my life with your healing, invigorating love.  Open my eyes to see the opportunities for Christ-like service which you put before me today. May every word I say and everything I chose to do be a step toward peace.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - April 7, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

One of the Bible’s most visually-interesting stories will be the Scriptural focus for our worship service on Sunday: Ezekiel in the valley of the dry bones.  If you are feeling that the uplifting parts of life are drying up, you will find hope in this story.  The Youth Choir will sing.   The service begins at 8:45.

Linda Beyer and Richard Kimpel are hospitalized out of town.  Please pray that God’s healing embrace will bring them strength and health.  Funerals for two of our members are being held: Effie Wendt (today) and Ruth Rucks (on Saturday).  We will prayerfully entrust them and their loved ones into God’s loving care. 

Tomorrow (Friday) at 5:00 p.m., people will begin to gather at Church of Peace to help with the floor polishing extravaganza.  We will need help with furniture-moving both on Friday night and during the day on Saturday (beginning at 8:00 a.m.) We are saving thousands of dollars by doing this as a congregational project; please come and help, even for a couple of hours.  The Ladies’ Aid is providing lunch on Saturday.

Sunday is COP Day at the YMCA.  Anytime between 10:30 and 4:30, just show up at the door and tell them you are from our church.  We will have a “headquarters” in the community room where pizza and a soft drink will be available.  Members and friends of the church family can use all the equipment at no charge.  Even if you aren’t planning to swim or play ball, come for a tour of our good neighbor’s new facilities.

Sunday is the last day that you can place orders for Easter flowers.  There will be an order form in the bulletin.

Sign-up sheets are available in the lobby for the Golden Fellowship trips, the craft morning on Saturday, April 16th, and for the Women’s Retreat. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church (and at the YMCA!).  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  I’m amazed, dear God, how quickly this Lenten time is speeding by. I’m embarrassed by how often my intention to become more holy during this time has been put on the back burner of day to day life.   Please help me today so I may feel growth in faith as its hours go by.  Free me from the chains of selfish behavior and lead me to a life of greater discipleship.  I pray for Richard Kimpel and Linda Beyer as they grow in strength and health.  I pray also for families in our congregation whose lives have been touched by grief in the past week.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.