Thursday, October 31, 2013

This Week's Greetings

Greetings from Church of Peace, home of inspiring worship, friendly people, significant help for the impoverished, and a terrific bazaar!  Aren’t you glad you are a part of it?

Sunday is All Saints’ Sunday.  With great joy and reverence we will be honoring those from our church family who died this year.  The Chapel Choir will sing.  Holy Communion will be celebrated.  Our first Witnessing Steward of the season will be speaking; it is Barb Zahn, who is perhaps better known as Lucy’s mom. Join us at 8:45 for a service which promises to leave us all feeling renewed and full of zeal.

Tonight’s NEW Worship in the Upper Room will also feature Holy Communion.  It begins at 6:30 p.m.

The November Messenger is available in the church narthex and on line (

Steve Oestreich was hospitalized and has returned home.  Please remember him when you pray.  Please also remember the families of Phyllis Funk and Ruth DeTroye, both of whom died in the last few days.

Saturday is the Fall Work Day.  There’s raking to be done as well as other chores.  We would be very grateful for YOUR help. Come any time after 8:00 a.m. 

Saturday is also a Shawl Ministry meeting.  We’ll be choosing shawls for the Cancer Center as well as blessing lots of new ones.  Bring your stitchery and join us at 9:30 a.m.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: My goal for today, O God, is to be so filled with your love that I shine with compassion in every word I say and everything I do. Please help me to achieve this. I pray that you will fill the lives of not only Steve Oestreich but also the families of Phyllis Funk and Ruth DeTroye with your healing love. Thank you!  Amen.

Ushers this Sunday: Carol and Gary Krueger, Dick Kunasch, Anne Streeter, and Nicole Schendel.    

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Special Bazaar Edition - Greetings from Church of Peace

Greetings from a hustling, bustling Church of Peace as we set up for the Autumn Blessings Bazaar this Saturday!  It is already beginning to feel festive as the excitement builds.  Here’s the schedule:

          Today: Set up tables and booths, begin kitchen tasks.
          Friday: DROP OFF DONATIONS (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.).
Saturday: Bring your friends to feast and shop!
          Sunday: Celebrate with us in worship at 8:45 a.m.

Tonight’s NEW Worship will be held in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday’s worship will feature an anthem by the older Sunday School children, lots of upbeat music, and a sermon about falling down and getting up again. 

At 10:00 Sunday morning, the book study group will meet in the Upper Room and usher training will be held in the sanctuary. Diner’s Club will meet at Pizza Ranch Sunday night at 6:30. 

Chad Steenberg is a patient at Froederdt Hospital after successful heart surgery.  Please pray for Chad’s continued recovery.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you at the bazaar and in church!

Pastors Jenny and Jim

Ushers for Sunday: Tim and Brenda Hackbarth, Scott Towne, and Becky Opperman Pluim.

A prayer for today:  Thank you, O God, for continuing to provide me with a variety of ways to serve you.  You make my life full and satisfying as I go about doing good in the name of Christ. Today I pray for eyes that are open to opportunities for service.  Bless Chad Steenberg as he continues to strengthen and heal.  Bless Church of Peace as we host the community with our bazaar.  Bless me that I may be filled with your peace.  I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Greetings from Church of Peace 10-13-10

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Do you know what the word “alleluia!” means?  Sunday you’ll find out and you’ll have an opportunity to praise God for your many, many blessings.  The pictures on the screen will enhance our songs and prayers.  Join us at 8:45 a.m. to be spiritually uplifted.

Tonight’s service will focus on Psalm 111, a song of praise.  Meet with us at 6:30 in Gammert Hall.

Holly Post was hospitalized over the weekend and has returned home.  Thank you for your prayers.

We pastors have been doing home communion calls this week, sharing your concern and care with the less-agile members of our church family.

Church of Peace has a thriving ministry to those in our community who are low on food or need help with rent.  You have an opportunity this month to help people far away who are in even dreadful circumstances. Your cash gift will be used to purchase livestock that can feed a family for years.  Why not consider giving an “alternative Christmas gift” of a pair of goats or rabbits to honor one of your own family members during the upcoming Christmas season?  Stop at the information table in the narthex after worship this Sunday.

Is the bazaar date of SATURDAY, October 26th written on your calendar and etched in your mind?  What are you going to donate?  When are you going to shop?  What friend can you bring to lunch.  It is going to be a happy, fun-filled day at Church of Peace! Don’t miss it!

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God who pours blessing upon blessing into my life, I thank you for this day and for the opportunities it brings to me to praise and serve you. Awaken within me a sense of your nearness.  Open my mind to hear your guiding voice.  Touch my heart with your strength as I serve you today.  I thank you for your healing power manifest in the life of Holly Post and so many others.  Bless our world with your peace.  Amen.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Greetings from Church of Peace 10/03/13

Greetings from Church of Peace!

It is World Communion Sunday. Be one of millions of Christians around the globe to celebrate our unity as Christ’s people. The Chapel Choir will provide an anthem.  Worship begins at 8:45. Tonight’s NEW Worship will also feature Holy Communion.

Sunday after social hour, set-up for the rummage sale will begin.  You can bring your stuff in then or drop it off on Monday.  The sale is Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning.  In addition to your used treasures, baked goods are needed for the sale.  Thanks for helping!

This year, there will be no CROP Walk in Fond du Lac. But there will be a fun opportunity for Church of Peace members to help the hungry the way the CROP Walk did, through the same ecumenical agency – Church World Service.  We will be “selling” animals for a Church of Peace farm.  You can “buy” a chicken, rabbit, pig, or cow.  At the end of October, our farm will be dedicated and the money sent to Church World Service for emergency and development aid. Please plan to support this project which will help the very poorest people in the world.

Forgiving family members who have hurt you can be very difficult. Forgiving Your Family is an easy-to-read book that helps Christians move from bitterness to peace.  We’ll be meeting Sundays, October 20th-November 10th from 10:00 to 11:00 to discuss this book.   If you are interested, you can pick up a book in the church office for $5.00.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, you are the Fount of Life.  From you flows all health and vitality. Touch me with your healing power.  From you flows all beauty.  Help me to appreciate the loveliness of the creation during this autumn season.  From you flows all kindness. Open my heart and hands to those in need.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.