Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace - March 30, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Attention music lovers: tonight’s Lenten service (7:00 p.m.) feature a praise band. Two hymns will be worshipfully accompanied by electric guitar and drums. Join us as we raise our voices in song, lift our hearts in prayer, light the Lenten candles, and learn more about how to live faithfully in today’s world.  You’ll leave spiritually refreshed and renewed.

Sunday’s gospel story is about the man born blind who is healed by Jesus.  It is the first Sunday of the month so we will be celebrating Holy Communion.  The Chapel Choir will sing. 

A long-time member of our church family, Dorothy Whittaker, died on Monday.  Please remember her family in your prayers.  Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m. a funeral service for Dorothy Whittaker will be held in our sanctuary.   

Erik Spies remains hospitalized in Milwaukee.  Rosemary Burns is now a resident at St. Francis Home.  Eldon Wohler has moved to All About Life. Please pray that Erik’s leukemia treatments will be successful so he can return home soon and ask God’s blessing upon all our nursing home residents.

This is the Sunday that the Schwan’s truck will be parked in our parking lot after worship and at the mall in the afternoon.  If you pre-ordered food, you can pick it up.  If not, you will be able to purchase some on Sunday if you wish.  The proceeds from this fund-raiser will go to our Martha Society; they in turn will use it to further the ministry of Church of Peace.

You can sign up in the church lobby for:
 Floor Cleaning, April 8th and 9th
 YMCA Sunday, April 10th
 Loaves and Fishes served by Church of Peace, April 13th
 Women’s Retreat, April 29th and 30th
 Golden Fellowship Trip to New Holstein, April 26th
 Golden Fellowship Trip to Chicago, May 17th

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, during this day, I will have ample opportunities to choose to do good or to do what is wrong, to touch someone’s life with compassion or to think only of myself, to make my Christianity a priority or just an after-thought.  Please guide me to be a faithful, moral, kind person.  Then I will reflect the gratitude I feel in my heart to you.  I pray for your loving blessing to rest upon the Whittaker family, Erik Spies, Eldon Wohler, and Rosemary Burns.  Amen.