Thursday, May 24, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace - May 24, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Red, red, red with a little orange and some yellow -- this is what you can expect to see when you enter the sanctuary on Sunday.  It is Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit descended like tongues of fire on the early disciples.  Join us as we invite the Holy Spirit to renew our power and zeal.  You are invited to wear the colors of the day to add to the festive atmosphere.  The Hospitality Team will be serving ice cream following the service.

Tonight is the final meeting of the season for Mid Week Faith Boost.  We'll be meeting at 6:30 in the Upper Room.

We know of no one who is hospitalized or critically ill in our congregation.

There is still time to sign up for the day trip next Tuesday to the Railroad Museum and the Botanical Gardens in Green Bay.  Call the church office (921-8215) or sign up on Sunday.

Although Sunday School is finished for the season, we look forward to enjoying the presence of our little ones in worship. At Church of Peace, every week is child-friendly worship.

The June Messenger is now on-line at  There’s lots going on in June so be sure to download your copy and keep up to date.

The church office will be closed on Monday for the Memorial Day holiday.

That's the news from Church of Peace.

We'll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  Lovely Spirit of creation, on these beautiful summery days as you warm me with the rays of the sun, warm also the inner workings of my spirit with your love.  Make joy and compassion grow within me until it overflows into my words and deeds.  Show me how to live with gentleness and peace as I work to bring healing and wholeness to my relationships and to our world.  Amen.  

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace - May 17, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace!

What a glorious morning Sunday will be!  The anthem will be provided by a chorus made up of the Chapel Choir, the Sonshine Singers, and our Sunday School kids.  Seven students will be confirmed.  Please join us for this festive hour.  There will be plenty of room for you!

This Saturday, May 19th, we’ll gather about 8:00 a.m. and work in the church yard for a few hours, sprucing it up for the spring and summer season.  If you’d rather work inside, there is work to be done there as well.  We’ll have a good time together. Rumor has it that anyone still here when the work is done can go up on top of the steeple and have a look around. There will be donuts!

Mid-Week Faith Boost meets tonight at 6:30 to sing, pray, and discuss the Scripture reading for this coming Sunday.

Joann Krenn died Tuesday evening.  Please remember her family in your prayers. We know of no one who is hospitalized.

Looking ahead:

            Tuesday, May 29th              Trip to Railroad Museum and Botanical Gardens
            June 10-16                           Mission Trip to Joplin
            Sunday, June 24th              Diner’s Club at Sebastian’s Supper Club
            Thursday, August 9th         Neighborhood Picnic at Church of Peace
            Friday, August 17th            Day Camp at Pilgrim Center

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Ever-Creating God, I stand in wonder and joy before your creation.  The spring flowers, colorful birds, and newly-leaved trees testify to your beauty and power.  May my life also testify to your beauty and power as I treat everyone I meet today with kindness and respect.  I pray for your comforting touch in the lives of all who grieve today, especially the family of Joann Krenn. Speak to me of your will and your loving ways.  Amen.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace - May 10, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace!

TOMORROW – the all-church dance sponsored by the mission trippers.  Come have some fun and help us fund our trip.  There will be music for all ages, free popcorn and soda pop, and smiles galore.  The dance is from 6-10 p.m. on Friday night. Youth and children who are unaccompanied by an adult will need a permission slip (attached to this greeting).  The cost is $5.00 for youth and adults, $3.00 for those 12 and under.

Sunday is Mother’s Day or, as we call it in the church, the Festival of the Christian Home.  Our service will focus around the blessings and responsibilities of family life.  The Sonshine Singers will sing.  Kennedy and Liam Petersen will be baptized.

ATTENTION CHOIR MEMBERS: this Sunday there will be a rehearsal for the anthem on the 20th, a mass anthem of singers aged 4-???. Choir members, please be in the sanctuary at 10:00. 

Dorothy Eggers is in the hospital and Joann Krenn is nearing the end of her life at the Hospice Home of Hope.  Please remember these women in your prayers.

On Saturday, May 19th, there will be a “work morning” at the church.  If it is nice out, we will be working outside.  If it is raining, we will work inside.  Either way, our church property will be improved by these efforts.  Please help out from 8:00 – noon (or part of that time).  Interested adults can go up on top of the steeple at the end of the morning.

Please sign up a.s.a.p. if you plan to go on the Golden Fellowship–sponsored trip to the train museum and the Green Bay Botanical Gardens.  The trip is on Tuesday, May 29th.  The sign-up sheet is in the narthex.  The price is $20.00.

That’s the news from Church of Peace!

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: What a beautiful day on which to sing your praises in my heart, O God! Thank you.  And thank you for many opportunities to bless others as you are blessing me.  Please make your comforting presence keenly aware to Dorothy Eggers and Joann Krenn during this difficult time.  I pray these things in your Spirit of Love, known in Jesus.  Amen.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace - May 3, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace!

This Sunday we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion and the chapel choir will sing.  Our confirmands will share with us in worship leadership.  Want your heart warmed?  Join us.

Tonight at Mid-Week Faith Boost we’ll be discussing the vine and the branches statements of Jesus in the gospel of John.  It will be a stimulating discussion with lots of smiles.  We’ll begin at 6:30 p.m.

Dorothy Eggers is in the hospital.  Please remember her in your prayers.  Please also pray for the family of Robert Zimpher; his funeral was yesterday.

A week from tomorrow is the All-Church Dance sponsored by the Mission Trip Youth.  From 6-10 p.m. we’ll be rockin’ to the music provided by J and E Entertainment. This is for the whole family. It is a fund raiser: the cost is $5.00 for those aged 13 and up, $3.00 for kids 12 and under.  This will be such fun – plan to attend.

We need to replace the front steps of the church which are unsafe and unsightly.  If you’d like to help, there are donation envelopes on the bulletin board in the narthex.  Thank you!

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church, Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Faithful God, guide me to follow the best path for my life today: the path that will bring healing and love.  Make me slow to anger and quick to forgive.  Shine your healing light upon Dorothy Eggers and upon the family of Robert Zimpher.  I pray these things in the name of the Compassionate One, Jesus.  Amen.