Thursday, January 30, 2014

Greetings from Church of Peace 01-30-14

Greetings from Church of Peace,

It’s Souper Bowl Sunday!  Please remember to bring bags of canned and boxed food for our food pantry. Our goal is 1,000 items.

It is also the first Sunday of the month so that means Holy Communion will be celebrated. Instead of a sermon, there will be a chancel drama.  The Chapel Choir will sing.  Worship will begin at 8:45 a.m.

The new piano is arriving this afternoon!  If it is sufficiently in tune, we will use it in Sunday’s service.  The congregation extends its heart-felt thanks to those individuals and families whose monetary gifts made this possible.  We will enjoy the piano for many years.

Tonight NEW Worship will meet for Holy Communion and a sermon by Andy Griffith.  We’ll meet at 6:30 in the Youth Room.

Elfriede Melchert is now a resident of Hospice Home of Hope.  Please remember her and Pat Pratt, another member who resides there, when you pray.

We serve Loaves and Fishes on Monday.  An extra set of hands is always welcomed. Come between 3:30 and 6:00 to help.

You and your sweetie can sign up for the Sweetheart Dinner in the coatroom.  The dinner will be held on February 16th at 5:00 p.m. at the Sunset on the Water Supper Club.

You can look for your February Messenger in the narthex or on line ( beginning Friday. It is full of news from the Annual Meeting of the Congregation.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, thank you for being available to me at every moment of every day.  Remind me often to take time to enjoy your presence and savor your love. Help me to find meaning in my work and delight in my blessings.  Please be with Elfriede Melchert and Pat Pratt as they not only savor their last days among us but also look with confidence toward that day when they are united with you forever.  Amen.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Greetings from Church of Peace 01-23-14

Greetings from Church of Peace,

This Sunday’s sermon is entitled, “Perch? Pike? Pickerel?” so you know it is about fish and fishing.  Come hear about Jesus’ conversation with some New Testament anglers.  The older children of our Sunday School will provide special music.  Little Amaya Antonio will be baptized.  The service will start at 8:45.

Sunday morning, after time for a quick cup of coffee, we will return to the sanctuary following worship for the Annual Meeting of the congregation.  Special presentations this year will include a report on the architectural studies, a proposal for a new piano for the sanctuary, and scholarship presentations. The meeting will be interesting and not too long.

Tonight we’ll meet in Gammert Hall at 6:30 for another installment of The Andy Griffith Sermon Series. We’ll laugh and learn together.

Are you between the ages of 20 and 120?  If so, you qualify to attend the fascinating talk next Tuesday about the archaeology of Fond du Lac County.  Learn about the early native people.  Our Golden Fellowship speaker will be Dwight Weiser. We’ll meet at 11:00 for an hour presentation and then lunch.  Please sign up on Sunday so we have sufficient food for all.

We are holding back the publication of the Messenger until after the Annual Meeting so we can include the information from the meeting.  Look for it on our website and in the entryways by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  O God, I know you are always near to guide me and lead me toward a fulfilling and joy-filled life. Open my mind and my heart so that your Spirit can bring out the best in me.  Help me to do my part in sharing your light. Be especially with those who have to face the cold weather today.  Amen.

Ushers this Sunday: Brenda and Tim Hackbarth, Victor Abitz, Deb and Larry Conger.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Greetings from Church of Peace 01/16/14

Greetings from Church of Peace!

How do you think our congregation is doing as we seek to serve Christ together?  What progress have we made as we’ve traveled together the last few years?  What is God calling us to do next?  These are some of the questions that our Scripture passages for Sunday ask us to ponder.  The service at 8:45 will be blessed by the music of the Chapel Choir.

Tonight Andy Griffith will delight us with his wisdom which flows from our faith.  At 6:30 join us for the NEW Worship which will meet in Gammert Hall.

Steve O’Krueg has been hospitalized and expects to go home today.  Pat Pratt has become a resident of Hospice Home of Hope.  Please pray that God’s tender healing love will be real in their lives.

This Sunday at 10:15 a.m. interested people are invited to come to the choir room for a conversation with the Church Council about the 2014 budget.  Copies of the budget are available in the narthex (or reply to this email if you’d like Jackie to email you a copy).

Sunday, January 26th, the Annual Meeting of the congregation will be held at 10:15 in the sanctuary.  You are encouraged to attend to learn more about what goes on at Church of Peace and to help make decisions for the future.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Holy Friend, thank you for your faithfulness to me.  Remind me that you walk closely with me.  Help me to trust ever more deeply in your tender embrace.  Keep me on the straight and narrow way that leads to joy and satisfaction.  Bless Steve O’Krueg and Pat Pratt with whatever it is that will help them to feel your compassionate touch.  Amen.

Ushers this week:  Ray Beilke, Brenda Roehl, Dave Schultz, Rob Giese, Dawn Sabel.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Greetings from Church of Peace 01-09-14

Greetings from Church of Peace,

Where did the time go?  Last Sunday, little Jesus was visited by the Wise Men.  This Sunday, he’s 30 years old and being baptized in the River Jordan.  Join us at 8:45 a.m. as we gather to sing, pray, and gain guidance from the Divine. 

Tonight you are invited to a time that includes a sermon by Andy Griffith, singing, praying, and enjoying the company of other Christian people.  We’ll begin at 6:30 in Gammert Hall.

During this cold weather, the homeless folks in our city have been cared for in shelters which are administered by the Solutions Center.  Supplies are running low in the shelters.  On behalf of the Church of Peace congregation, four cases of toilet paper are being delivered today to them.  The money for this came from our food pantry fund.  How heart-warming for us that we are able to share Christ’s love in this way.

We know of two people who are hospitalized: Juli Beilke and Barb Demaskie.  Please remember them in your prayers.  Please also pray for the family of Herman Rucks; Herman died this past weekend.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!   Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Keep me mindful, O Heavenly Friend, that whatever is going on in my life, you are in the midst of it.  As I face challenges and celebrate victories, remind me that you will walk with me through any difficulties and that your hand is behind every blessing. Show me how to touch others with your love.  I pray that your healing light will shine upon Juli Beilke and Barb Demaskie and that the family of Herman Rucks will feel your solace.  Amen.  

Ushers this week: Iris Abitz, Mary Lange, Steve O'Krueg , Isabel Post, Stephanie Sharpe.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's News from Church of Peace

“Happy New Year” to our church family at Church of Peace!

Here is the schedule for this week:

Tonight at 6:30:                New Worship with Communion.

Sunday at 8:45:                Epiphany Worship – the Magi will be here. The Chapel Choir will sing. A Scripture verse to live by in the year 2014 will be given to each worshipper. Holy Communion will be celebrated.

Sunday at 10:00:       Sunday School
                                 Nominating Committee

No one is in the hospital at this time.   Rev. Jerry Schrankler was in the hospital last week.  We extend our Christian sympathy to Pat Smith whose sister died last week.  Please remember these people when you pray.

On behalf of the whole staff, we would like to express our gratitude to the congregation for your prayers, good wishes, and gifts over the Advent and Christmas seasons.  It is a hectic time for all of the Church of Peace staff as we work to make your Christmas celebration holy and joy-filled. Your kindnesses at this time are appreciated and enjoyed.  Thank you!

That’s the news from Church of Peace!

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: As the New Year begins, O God, I pray for this year to be a time when my heart is open to joy, my mind to new, more faithful ideas, and my body to your health-giving power.  May 2014 be a year in which our world leaders focus on peace, not on war.  Bless Jerry Schrankler and Pat Smith and her family with your loving presence.  Thank you!  Amen.