Thursday, June 12, 2014

Greetings from Church of Peace 06-12-14

Greetings from Church of Peace!

On Sunday, the sermon will focus on “Famous Last Words,” in particular the last words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul.  There will be a special blessing for our retiring organist, Helene Schrankler, and our retiring choir director, Lee Behnke.  Please join us as we honor and thank these women who have been blessings to our congregation for many years. The service will begin at 8:45.  It will be followed by a special social hour hosted by the choir.

We ask that you remember three families when you pray, families that are grieving because of recent deaths of loved ones – the families of Church of Peace members Eleanore Stamurs and Ruth Fox, and also Gary Babler’ s father, Glenn Babler.

Tomorrow a group of our church family members will leave at 9:00 to go rafting on the Pestigo River.

Saturday is the Spring Clean-Up of the outside of the church building.  We are eager to have our property be a shining star in the neighborhood.  Please come help rake, plant, and clean.  We’ll begin at 8:00 a.m. and be done by noon.  Coffee, juice, and donuts will be served.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today (from a prayer by William Barclay): O God, help me to live today well.  Help me to cause as little trouble and to give as much help as possible.  May I share the burdens and joys of all who share my life. I ask your blessing of consolation upon all who grieve, especially the families of Eleanore Stamurs, Ruth Fox, and Glenn Babler.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.    

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Red Greetings from Church of Peace 06-05-14

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Sunday is RED day!  That means it is Pentecost, the Sunday when we wear red to remind us of the holy flames that descended on the original disciples the day the Christian Church was born. We’ll honor our graduates. The service will be Spirit-filled and joy-filled.

Tonight we will gather in the sanctuary at 6:30 for communion and a brief worship service.  If you missed last Sunday or cannot come this next Sunday, stop in tonight for a dose of spiritual energy and peace.

Please pray for Ruth Fox who is at Hospice Home of Hope after years of debilitating illness.

Friday and Saturday, Ray Beilke and Art Conklin will join the pastors in representing Church of Peace at the Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ.

The Golden Fellowship-sponsored trip to Harley Davidson and the Domes leaves at 8:45 this Saturday.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, you thrill me with your beauty in nature and console me with the peace that passes understanding.  Today I pray for joy at the gift of life and courage to live faithfully.  I ask your blessing upon Ruth Fox and her family; may they trust in your eternal care.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.