Thursday, October 27, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Sunday we’ll be gathering for worship at 8:45 a.m. in our beautiful sanctuary for an uplifting service. As we remember the Christian Reformation, we’ll listen for the healing words that God wants for us to hear. Brenda Luebke will share her reflections on what the Church of Peace means in her life.  Don’t miss this opportunity to encounter God and enjoy the company of your church family.

A hearty “thank you” to all who helped with the bazaar.  We had a good crew that made the day go well.  A few items will be on sale Sunday after worship.

We need a few strong people to help Saturday from 8-10 at the church.  We aren’t quite done with the bazaar clean up. There is some furniture to be moved, etc.

Tonight at 6:30, the Mid-Week Faith Boost discussion will focus on just how affectionate and forgiving God is.

There are three people from our church family in the hospital: Sandy Treptow, Milton Scott, and Tom Lechnir.  Please remember them in your prayers.  When you pray, please also remember Marie Michalowski who has entered hospice care

The confirmands and their coaches leave on their retreat on Friday evening at 7:00 and will return to the church Saturday at 4:00 p.m.

The Messenger is on line ( and will be available in the narthex and elevator lobby on Sunday.  If you wish to have your Messenger mailed to you, just call the office.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  O God, you have called me into a relationship with you.  I am humbled and honored.  Please show me what you want me to do for you as the hours of this day go by.  Strengthen by your presence all those who are sick, especially Tom Lechnir, Sandy Treptow, Milton Scott, and Marie Michalowske.  Bless our confirmands and their leaders as they build their faith on the retreat.  I pray these things with a thankful heart.  Amen.