Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Weekly News from Your Church! 04-25-13

Greetings from Church of Peace on this spring morning!

We’ll be joining with all of creation in praising God when we gather on Sunday at 8:45 for our Sabbath service.  The youngest Sunday School children will provide special music and lots of smiles. 

Tonight at 6:30 p.m. NEW Worship will meet in the Upper Room of Gammert Hall.

Tuesday is our first-in-a-long-time turkey dinner. This delicious dinner will be served from 4-8; take-outs will be available.  You can buy tickets ahead of time if you’d like (in the church office anytime or in the narthex on Sunday).  Plan to join your church family for this festive time – and bring your neighbors with you.

Shane Reimer was hospitalized and has returned home.  Please pray for his recovery.

Many of you know that Pastor Jim has been dealing with difficult medical issues this week.  Thank you for your prayers and concern.  He is more comfortable now and expects to return to health and strength soon.

The Messenger will be available in the narthex on Sunday and on-line ( later today.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church and at the turkey dinner!  Pastor Jenny (and Pastor Jim)

A prayer for today: How invigorating the signs of spring are to my weary soul, O God.  Thank you! Just like the signs of new life I see outside my window, bring forth within me a similar rebirth of spirit. Make me alive with joy, peace, and love.  Please continue to work with healing power in all who are sick, especially Shane Reimer.  These things I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Greetings from Church of Peace 04-18-13

Greetings on this soggy day from Church of Peace. 

Bombings in Boston, explosions in Texas, murders and accidents here in Fond du Lac – what is a Christian to think about these things?  Does God make them happen? Sunday’s Scripture readings and sermon will address these important questions.  The Chapel Choir has a spirited anthem to share. Worship begins at 8:45 a.m.

Tonight we will gather at 6:30 for NEW Worship in the Upper Room of Gammert Hall, even if we have to swim to get here J

Please remember in your prayers: Pat Klebs who is in the hospital, Delores Hanson who has entered hospice care, and Jeff Zwicky whose mother’s funeral will be held on Friday. 

It is only a dozen days until the Turkey Dinner.  Please stop at the church office or in the narthex after worship to purchase your tickets or to sign up to help.  This is going to be a fun and delicious day as we work together to support our building improvement fund.  Remember: take-outs will be available.

This weekend our mission trip team will be working at the Fond du Lac dog show, assisting the judges, cleaning up after the dogs, and hosting the food booth.  If you stop in to the show, be sure to cheer on the workers in the lime green shirts.

At Golden Fellowship next Tuesday, the Fond du Lac City arborist, Brian Weed, will be here to answer your questions about trees.  The meeting begins at 11:00 with lunch to follow.  All interested adults are welcomed to attend.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God of compassion, we pray that you will pour out your comfort on all who struggle or mourn today, both near and far.  We remember before you those who are sick, especially Pat Klebs and Delores Hanson, and those who grieve, especially the Zwicky family. Grant patience to those for whom the rainy weather is challenging and fill us all with the sunshine of your peace. We pray these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Greetings from Church of Peace 04-11-14

Greetings from Church of Peace! 

Do you like fresh fish fried over a campfire? Apparently the disciples did, because the Risen Christ cooked them breakfast one day shortly after the first Easter.  Come join us Sunday as we learn about (and from) this delightful New Testament story. The SonShine Singers will grace us with their music.

If you'd like to learn more about this Bible story, join us tonight at 6:30 in the Upper Room of Gammert Hall for the interactive worship service we hold on Thursday nights - NEW Worship.

Looking ahead:

On Wednesday, April 17th, from 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., order a pizza from Domino’s Pizza (921-3800) for pick-up or delivery. Our mission trippers will receive a portion of the price.  What an easy and delicious way to support our mission trip volunteers!

On Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:00 a.m. Fond du Lac City Arborist Brian Weed will be the guest of Golden Fellowship.  He will share all sorts of tree-related information with us.  Lunch will be served at noon.  All interested adults of any age are invited - please sign up in the coatroom.

On Tuesday, April 30th our “first-in-a-long-time” Turkey Dinner will be served from 4-7 (carry-outs, too).  You can purchase advance tickets at the church office anytime or in the narthex after worship on Sundays.  We still need a few more pies and some more helpers.  What a fun and productive event this will be for our church family!

That's the news from Church of Peace.

We'll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Dear Holy Friend,  you know how easy it is for me to get so wrapped up in my activities that I don't even notice your presence in my life.  Remind me to say "thank you" for the blessings you shower upon me. Grant me the wisdom to treasure the beauty you place before me.  Show me how to love the people you bring into my life.  Open my eyes and heart to you and to your gifts.  Amen.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Greetings from Church of Peace 04/04/13

Greetings from Church of Peace!

This Sunday the Lakeland Singers will fill our lovely sanctuary with their wonderful songs.  In order to make room in the service for more anthems by the Lakeland Singers, there will be no sermon. Our Sonshine Singers will be joining the Lakeland Singers for one song. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Worship begins at 8:45 a.m. 

Tonight our NEW Worship picks up where it left off at the onset of Lent: Thursday gatherings (6:30 p.m.) in the Upper Room to share our faith journeys and grow in understanding of God's Word.  Tonight we will celebrate Holy Communion.  You will find this service refreshing and faith-building.

Victor Abitz had knee surgery yesterday and will be hospitalized for a few days.  Please pray that Victor's healing will be speedy and complete. Please also remember the families of Roger Wolf (whose funeral was yesterday) and Eldon Wohler (who is at the end of his earthly life) when you pray.

Sunday School resumes this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

On April 30th, we will be hosting a turkey dinner at Church of Peace. The menu includes "all the fixings" - even homemade pie. Tickets are on sale now at the church office and in the narthex on Sundays.  Carry outs will be available for those who do not wish to eat at the church. If you can help by baking a pie or working at the dinner, you will find sign-up sheets on the coatroom bulletin board.  Plan to attend and to bring some friends!

That's the news from Church of Peace.

We'll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, in this season of spring, there are signs all around me of your power to bring life out of death and hope out of despair.  Please let this truth sink deep into my heart so that I can live a life, not of fear, but of joy. Bless Victor Abitz with your healing presence and bring heavenly comfort to all who mourn, especially the families of Roger Wolf and Eldon Wohler.  I pray in the name of the Risen Christ.  Amen.