Thursday, October 6, 2016

Greetings from Church of Peace 10/06/16

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Sunday will be one of the most beautiful days of the church year – it’s Harvest Home!  Join us for this celebration of God’s bounty.  It will be visually lovely and spiritually enriching. There will be a prayer journey. The service will begin at 8:45 a.m.

It’s time for a tour! Right after worship, you are invited to a social hour in the partially-completed new addition.  You will be able to walk around and take a good look at how it is coming.  Plus you get a cup of coffee and a cookie!

Sunday we will be selling tickets to the Fall Festival Dinner which will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, October 23rd. Since there won’t be a festival to bring us together, we decided to have a party for the church family.  Tickets are $20.00 which include appetizers, a buffet dinner, and dessert. There will be a cash bar. Join us!

Janet Rymer has come home from the hospital.  Please pray for her continued recovery.

Construction report: They’ve laid the tile in the new bathroom and the walls are ready for paint.  Outside, bricks continue to be put in place. You’ll be able to see the great progress for yourself on Sunday!

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Thank you for this lovely day and all the blessings it has already brought into my life.  I pray that I may have a joyful and generous spirit in response to your many gifts to me.  Please bless Janet Rymer with returning health and strength.  Amen.

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