Thursday, August 3, 2017

Greetings from Church of Peace 8-3-17

Greetings from Church of Peace!

The Feeding of the 5,000 is the Bible story for Sunday – a real favorite with lots of meaning. Holy Communion will be served in the pews. Todd Whittaker will grace our service with a solo.  Join us at 8:45 a.m. for this inspirational hour.

We extend our Christian sympathy to Jody Marcoe whose mother has died.

As is our custom, we will be receiving a communion offering after the service on Sunday. Right now our fund is very low and we are not able to help people with rent and utilities.  Please plan to be generous with your offering this Sunday.

Many fun and inspirational activities are coming up in August which you can find out about by reading the newsletter on line at  Here are the highlights:

Sunday, August 13th – Youth Trip to Fondy Sports Park (6:00 p.m.)

August 16 – Family Day Camp at Pilgrim Center (8:45 – 7:00 p.m.)

August 20 – Church Worship and Picnic at Taylor Park (10:00 a.m.)

That’s the news from Church of Peace. 

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Please bless me, O God, with a keen sense of your nearness and love as I go about my day. Show me how to live as a faithful disciple of Jesus. Be with the Marcoe family, showering them with comfort and peace.   Amen.  

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