Thursday, September 28, 2017

Greetings from Church of Peace 09-28-17

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Sunday is World Communion Sunday.  We will celebrate Holy Communion with breads from around the world. It will be altar communion. Join us for this joyful commemoration of Christian unity!

We extend our Christian sympathy to Ken and Kathy Meyn on the death of Gloriann (Dynie) Meyn.  The funeral will be Friday morning at the church.

The Church of Peace Readers’ Group will meet at Rolling Meadows Restaurant at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday for a conversation about the book The Kindness Diaries by Leo Logothetis. Next month’s book is a novel by Pastor Jim entitled Sheboygan County Chronicle. You can buy one in the church office for $8.00.

A week from Sunday, on October 8th, all members and friends of the church are invited to venture with us on a field trip to Pilgrim Center where we will learn about Native American spirituality, handle artifacts, take a walking tour of the property with an archeological guide, do a craft, and enjoy a delicious lunch. The bus leaves at 10:10. Sign-up sheets are available in the church office. 

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Enliven my spirit, O God, so that I can glow with your joy and love today.  Open my eyes to opportunities to offer a compassionate word or helping hand in the name of Christ.  Bless Ken and Kathy Meyn with your deep peace which passes understanding.  Amen.

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